1.5” Multi-Lane Tape Layer
– Proven productivity with well over 900 of the 787 wing skins produced at triple the rate of traditional CTLMs
Lund Unique Design-to-Build Solutions offers the Lund SLALOM 1.5” Multi-Lane Tape Layer designed with 1 to 27 lanes depending on part configuration and contour. Each lane achieves up to 3 degrees of off axis tape lamination
allowing wide lamination swaths for high contoured parts. Highly repeatable on the fly individual lane add speeds up to 5905 ipm (2.5 m/s) Cut and lay speeds up to 11,811 ipm (5.0 m/s).
Automated in-process lap/gap inspection included with Overhead Laser Template (OLT) defect projection
Configurable with end placement and edge-of-ply automated overhead inspection.
Configurable to vertical or horizontal applications from robot to large gantry applications.
High-speed stiffness optimized head manipulators for every type of part configuration
No heat required